Monday, February 25, 2013

Q&A: are you familiar with using the TurboTax software (or similar softwares)?

Question by ptz: are you familiar with using the TurboTax software (or similar softwares)?
If you go to there are options to file either through the website, or (if you scroll down the page) buy the software which is a little more expensive.

So, if you choose to buy the “software” do you NOT have to pay additional fee when you actually file a tax return? What’s the advantage of buying the software?

Also, can you buy one software and let your family use it too? Is there an additional fee for that?

Best answer:

Answer by Somethingtotry
If you buy the software, there is no fee to file your federal tax or the federal tax of anyone who uses the software on your computer. You do pay $ 19.95 to file your state tax return. I think it is the same doing it on their website, but the software is much more thorough if you have a significant number of deductions.

The advantage of buying the software is that you have everything on your computer and are not storing that type of information on someone’s website. I personally feel more secure having my information on my computer and the software can transfer common information into your next year’s return so that you do not have to reenter it all.

What do you think? Answer below!

Q&A: are you familiar with using the TurboTax software (or similar softwares)?

Want to buy TurboTax? Check out

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